San Diego Women's March

This was an exciting day for San Diego. It was historical and although I am not a protester, I wanted or had to be a part of this day in some kind of capacity. I haven't taken a picture nor have I kept up my blog so I jumped in with both feet today. The march was held in solidarity with the Women's march in Washington, DC all around the country, cities were having their own marches respectively. The bus ride downtown was an event in it's own and thankfully we had a very nice female bus driver who got is downtown with no incident. The weather was off and on with some showers here and there but for the most part was just filled with inconsistent sunshine which made for challenging lighting conditions. My only issue is that people still have those unhealthy abandonment issues with their dogs and could not leave them at home for a few hours. With all the people there, this was no place for a large dog on a leash or a small dog on those God awful retractable leashes. After finally deciding not to go home, I stayed and was rewarded with some nice images. The crowd was endless and I don't think San Diego has had anything like this before. The estimate was for 20,000 but the final number was at 30,000 people in attendance and it was all peaceful with no incidents. The only bitter pill about this event is that the memory card I used decided to corrupt and not many of the images were salvageable. I would give every image I did salvage for the one image of the older woman with the tears streaming down her face. I'll never get that moment in time back.
