San Diego Finally Names a Street After Martin Luther King Jr.

In the mid 1980's, the city council voted to rename Market Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Street. Didn't last long because business owners banned together and the ideal was squashed. There is a small street that is 200 ft long located in the Broadway Heights area that no one uses as a street address so I guess that's a good reason to choose this particular street. San Diego was one of the few places that did not have a street named after Dr. King. There is the stretch of the 94 freeway named after the slain civil rights leader but no street until now. As of today, Weston Street is now known as Martin Luther King Jr. Way. It was nice to see Capt. Tony McElroy smile since he just spoke at a funeral of slain officer last week. Seems we owe this to a bunch of kids living in the Broadway Heights area who took on city council and won!
