All together now. No Equality, No Peace

So my day started early and I really wanted to get down to the County Building this morning because today would have been the day that same sex couples could resume marriages. Just to let you know,in 2008 for a brief moment in time, an estimated 18,000 same sex couples got married in the state of California. Tyler and Tony Dylan-Hyde went to the SDCO Marriage office to keep their 8am appointment to get married. Since the County never called them and cancelled the appointment, why not? The couple stated their case with the county Assessor/Recorder/Clerk Dan Butler and left. I've been corrected that only 9 people were arrested at this protest as oppose to 12 folks. I still find it rather funny that they had to call in deputies in full riot gear to arrest 9 people. The biggest person weighed a buck fifty probably. Not like they were arresting 9 people my size. LOL. Wonder what would have happen if the drag queens were up in there protesting.
